The Sergel Gallery II (Room 11)
The Sergel Gallery II (Room 11)
The eponymous Sergel Gallery comprises sculptures, busts and medallions by Sweden’s foremost 18th-century sculptor, Johan Tobias Sergel (1740-1814). Sergel was the leading light of a Gustavian artist circle of the turn of the 19th century, which included Carl Michael Bellman. Sergel was well-versed in the French Rococo style that dominated at the Art Academy in Stockholm in the 1760s. His late sculptures were informed by classical ideals but he never abandoned the delicate lightness of Rococo.
Works of Art
Riksrådet Anders Johan von Höpken
Carl Sparre, Governor of Stockholm
Gustaf III
Monument of the Tides
Generaladmiral Carl August Ehrensvärd
Ceres sökande Proserpina
Ceres sökande Proserpina
Grevinnan Ulrica von Höpken
Grevinnan Juliana Cronstedt
Venus Kallipygos