Here we present web exhibitions, some of which are, or have been, displayed at the museum, and some that are exclusively created for the web. A web exhibition comprises a text plus a list of works. From the list of works, you can click to the searchable database. This page will be updated continuously as new, differently themed web exhibitions become available.

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New Acquisitions 2011-2013
New Acquisitions 2011-2013
Gothenburg Museum of Art
21 September – 2 February 2014

From knock-out ping pong and deconstructed sunsets to subversive actions against racism and graffiti carpets in wool. In the fall and winter of 2013/2014, the Gothenburg Museum of Art provided a unique opportunity to see a large selection of the works that the museum acquired during 2011 – 2013. All of the works acquired during this period is presented in this web exhibition.

The Gothenburg Museum of Art has since its beginning in 1861 acquired contemporary art and never shied away from new artistic expressions. The collection, which comprises almost 70,000 works, is constantly changing. The museum regularly purchases works by artists with a connection to the Nordic countries and with a specific interest in young artists.

The new acquisitions were displayed in a larger presentation at the Etagen and also ran like a red thread through the museum’s older collections. The aim of the presentation was to introduce visitors to individual bodies of work and topical tendencies in art, and also show that new works are acquired with the idea of contrasting and commenting on the existent collection.

Since 2011, and until the opening of the exhibition, the collection grew with 141 works by 68 artists – 32 women and 36 men. During this period an additional 128 older works were added, which were originally donated by Gustaf Werner to the City of Gothenburg, and are now part of the museum’s collections. Approximately fifty of these works were presented in an exhibition in the Stena Gallery entitled A Hidden Treasure: Art from the Werner Villa. These works provided the museum’s well-known collection of turn-of-the-20th-century art with additional breadth and depth. All of the works in the Werner collection is presented in another web exhibition.

The museum works actively with regular re-hangings in order to present the collections from new perspectives and engage the contemporary art in dialogue with older works. The exhibition of new acquisitions can be seen as a part of the continued work of making the collection accessible in different ways and making transparent the museum’s acquisition policy.

Concurrent with the exhibition, a new book about the Gothenburg Museum of Art’s collections was produced. The book presents a rich selection of works, with images and texts. Planned publishing date: December 2013.
Nanna at the window
From Järvafältet
A Grey Feeling from Above
At Shore
Out to Sea
At the Table
Kandinsky at the Press
Portrait of a Penguin
Boy in Beret
Two and a Kitten
Barna Hedenhös blir kungliga och Sverige får sin första regering
from Den flygande trumman
Skända flaggan
Untitled (from Dandysviten)
Untitled (from Dandysviten)
From "The Ghost Sonata"
Hummel I. From "The Ghost Sonata"
From "The Ghost Sonata"
From "The Ghost Sonata"
From "The Ghost Sonata"
Isle of the Dead. From "The Ghost Sonata"
From "The Ghost Sonata"
    • Results 229